God Bless America
Ok. So The International Tour of West Side Story and I have called it quits. After a relationship of ups and downs we decided to go our own ways. I'll always have fond memories of the times we shared. BUT, I thank G-D to be back in the U.S.!!! You don't know how you've missed a place until you're in Beijing and they're selling you fried scorpions on a stick and eating dog...no like for real! Right now I'm home in Philly, but come Monday I'll be back pounding the pavement in NYC. If anyone has any inside info on auditions send it my way! Over and Out.
Welcome Home! YOU should have gotten the Les Mis gig on Broadway --
Anyway, hope all is well & good luck on the auditions... Let me know when you are ready for the photo shoot
pittsburgh airport parking
Hey Josh, I went to Korea for 5 months a while back, and they eat dog there too...one restaurant we went to served ONLY octopus...blasted Korean writing, we didn't know until we were seated with our menus :P
I just want to say "Fantastic job at the Walnut! As Marius in Les Miz, I couldn't imagine anyone better to play the part! I will settle for nothing less now!" And it's true. Now, my standards for Marius will be ultra high, and I don't think anyone could achieve those standards unless they were you! Is there any advice you have for an aspiring young actress and singer? I am having some trouble getting "started"!
I second hannah. I saw Walnut's Les Mis twice, and was absolutely blwon away by it. You have a beautiful voice and a great emotional presense on stage. Fantastic work! Keep it up :)
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